We have put together a timeline of important dates in aviation from the 1900's to the present. Aviation is on the cutting edge of technology. The story of the progress and growth of aviation is the story of technological advances.

Video Timeline


Students were challenged to test the current wing design of planes and the affect that has on distance traveled, glide rating, and speed rating. From their analysis of the data they collected, then then designed and tested various experimental wing shapes to achieve maximum travel distances.


Students used geometry and algebraic equations to uncover the BEST wing shape for long distances


Students were also challenged to use mixed media to create their own unique planes.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Oliver's Aeronautical Voyage"

The 8th graders at Oliver Street School completed an interdisciplinary unit pertaining to aviation and flight. Students' ideas took flight after reading "Flying" a selection in their anthology by Reeve Lindbergh. In "Flying", Lindbergh tells many anecdotes about the experiences that she and her sister and brothers had while flying with their father - Charles Lindbergh. Charles Lindbergh was an American aviator, inventor, author and explorer. He became the first person to pilot an airplane alone and without stopping, across the Atlantic Ocean.
As a result of this selection, students created aviational timelines which put the history of flight into perspective. They were also challenged to use their creativity to construct their own aircraft using various mixed media. The innovation of their designs reflects the ingenuity and talent of our students. They also created glogs, interactive poster, to pay homage to women aviators. Students learned about female pioneers and their contributions. Students also became aeronautical engineers in training by test different wing shapes using geometry, algebraic equations, and data analysis to determine the BEST shape wings for traveling long distances. Students were challenged to CREATE and think CRITICALLY about aerodynamics.

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